Doom Patrol #23
Doom Patrol #23
Cover Credits
Artist: Richard Case

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Title: "The Butterfly Collector"
Pages: 24

Doom Patrol (Post-Crisis)

Writer: Grant Morrison
Penciller: Richard Case
Inker: Scott Hanna
Letterer: John E. Workman, Jr.
Colorist: Daniel Vozzo

Reprinted In:
Doom Patrol:Crawling From the Wreckage TPB (1992)
Doom Patrol:Crawling From the Wreckage TPB [Variant] (2004)
Doom Patrol Omnibus HC (2014)
Doom Patrol Book One TPB (2016)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


Other Character(s)

  • Rhea's doctor and nurse (last appearance in Doom Patrol #22; no further appearances)
  • Holly McKenzie (first appearance; next appearance in Doom Patrol #26)
  • Dan (Elanor's fiance; no further appearances)

This story continues in Doom Patrol #24.

While the Chief analyzes strange weather patterns, Joshua Clay accepts a role as the Doom Patrol medic. He is then introduced to Dorothy Spinner, whom the Chief has invited to join the team. Meanwhile, Rebis meets with the fiance of Elanor Poole who is angry and hurt that Elanor now exists only in the merged being of Rebis.

Robotman and Crazy Jane attempt to visit Rhea Jones in the hospital where she remains comatose. When they arrive they discover that she was abducted. Jane is able to turn one of the hospital doors into a portal leading to the lair of her abductor Red Jack, a butterfly collector.

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