Christmas with the Super-Heroes #2
Title: "Ex-Machina"
Pages: 8
Superman (Post-Crisis)
Writer/Penciller: Paul Chadwick
Inker: John Nyberg
Letterer: John Costanza
Colorist: Tom J. McCraw
Feature Character(s)
Other Character(s)
- A stranded motorist (no further appearances)
A motorist is stranded on the side of the road during a snow storm. The man is unable to get other cars to stop to help. His despair is so great, that he pulls out a gun and prepares to kill himself. He is interrupted by Superman.
Superman gets in the car and uses his heat vision to warm the man and the engine. During his conversation with the man, Superman learns that the man's wife left him, he is estranged from his daughter, and he has a chronic medical condition. Superman shows empathy for the man and convinces him to contact his daughter, he then invites the man to Christmas dinner with the Kents as they are near Smallville.
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