Silver Age Teen Titans Archives Vol. 1 HC
Silver Age Teen Titans Archives Vol. 1 HC
Cover Credits
Artist: Nicholas Peter Cardy

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Title: "The Beast-God of Xochatan"
Pages: 24

Teen Titans (of Earth-1)

Writer: Bob Haney
Artist: Nicholas Peter Cardy

Reprinted From:
Teen Titans #1 (1966)

Feature Character(s)


  • Don Matanzas and El Conquistadore (a wealthy Xochatan landowner and his robot; no further appearances)
  • The Beast-God (no further appearances)

Guest Appearance(s)

Other Character(s)

  • Juan Valdez and other citizens of Xochatan, and Peace Corps workers (no further appearances)

A male scribe is incorrectly shown on Paradise Island in this story.

The Teen Titans join the Peace Corps in order to help volunteer workers in the South American country of Xochatan who are being menaced by a giant robot which the natives believe to be an ancient deity come to life. No sooner do they smash the robot threat than actual incarnations of the beast-god of a pyramid, which is due to be destroyed by a dam construction, begin to appear. The Titans battle the animal-deities to a standstill, until the temple is submerged on schedule and the creatures vanish, and Don Matanzas, a former oppressor of the natives of Xochatan, is revealed as the instigator of the threats.

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