Secret Origins #48

Title: "We Thought Him Up"
Pages: 15
Ambush Bug (Post-Crisis)
Plotter/Penciller: Keith Giffen
Scripter: Robert Loren Fleming
Inker: Robert Lewis
Letterer: John Costanza
Colorist: Anthony Tollin
Reprinted In:
Showcase Presents Ambush Bug TPB (2009)
DC Through the '80s:The Experiments HC (2021)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Cheeks (reincarnated as the director of the N.B.O.; first post-Crisis appearance; no further appearances)
- Several N.B.O. agents (no further appearances)
Guest Appearance(s)
Other Character(s)
- Freddie (Dox's agent; no further appearances)
- A nurse at the Home for Forgotten Cartoon Characters (no further appearances)
- Several employees of Heaven (no further appearances)
- Jeff and his associate (gangsters; no further appearances)
Ambush Bug is approached by agents from the National Bureau of Origins. They demand that he reveal his origin. To motivate him, one of the agents shows the Bug a picture of Cheeks, who is lost. Ambush Bug begins providing the N.B.O. with origins stolen from other characters while he searches for Cheeks. As part of the search he gets a Lord of Order to kill him and send him to Heaven. The Bug is sent back to Earth in a new identity which gets the N.B.O. to back off. The Bug does not find Cheeks who is acting as the N.B.O. director.
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