Ms. Tree Quarterly #3

Title: "Ghost Dance"
Pages: 11
Writer: Mike Baron
Artist: Shea Anton Pensa
Feature Character(s)
Other Character(s)
- Perry Thigpen (no further appearances)
This is a prose story with spot illustrations.
This story is continued from Ms. Tree Quarterly #2.
From a concealed point on a plateau, Butcher watches as Crippled Elk speaks to his followers claiming to be the war shaman known as Shatter Eye. Crippled Elk wants his people to attack the white man. Butcher then uses phosphorus grenades to stage an entrance. He also claims to be Shatter Eye and confronts the war leader. Butcher's knowledge of the Lakota language allows him to keep Crippled Elk's followers in doubt. The two men then engage in a knife fight to the death. Butcher kills his enemy, sustaining several wounds in the process.
As the battle concludes, his ruse is finally discovered by Wesley Wilson. The followers of the slain leader then chase Butcher off a cliff. Butcher uses a parachute to survive the fall. Wounded, he makes his way to the home of Perry Thigpen. After cleaning his wounds and resting, Perry returns home to inform Butcher that Crippled Elk's wounds healed after the battle. The shaman and his followers are now headed for an attack on the Rapid City courthouse.
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They are used here for educational purposes within the "fair use" provision of US Code: Title 17, Sec. 107.
Remaining material © 1997-2025 Mike's Amazing World of Comics