Greatest Joker Stories Ever Told TPB
Greatest Joker Stories Ever Told TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Brian J. Bolland

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Title: "The Great Clayface-Joker Feud"
Pages: 16

Batman (of Earth-1)

Writer: Bill Finger
Penciller: Sheldon Moldoff
Inker: Charles Paris

Reprinted From:
Batman #159 (1963)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


Matt Hagen escapes from jail and locates a hidden cache of liquid that will transform him into Clay-Face. Hagen discovers a way to synthesize the liquid, but the new formula only lasts five hours. Despite his new limitation, he is able to return to his life of crime.

The Joker is upset that Clay-Face is atrracting so much attention. The Clown Prince begins a feud with Clay-Face, each pulling robberies using the other’s modus operandi. Batman and Robin catch the Joker with the assistance of Batwoman and Bat-Girl. Then Batman impersonates the Joker in order to trap Clay-Face. However, Batman is unable to discover Hagen’s secret cache of formula.

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