Detective Comics #152
Title: "The Train Robbers of Roaring River"
Pages: 10
Pow-Wow Smith (of Earth-1)
Writer: Don Cameron
Penciller: Carmine Infantino
Inker: George Klein
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- A gang of train robbers (no further appearances)
While his tribe conducts games similar to the Olympics, Ohiyesa joins his paleface friend Jimmy in locating a gang of train robbers. Pow-Wow and Jimmy ride a train, waiting for the bandits to strike. When they do, Pow-Wow makes smoke signals to summon the braves of his tribe to help.
The tribe defeats the bandits, while Pow-Wow pursues the gang leader. Pow-Wow tries to start a landslide to stop the man's getaway by moving a large boulder. Before he can do so, a cougar kills the crook.
When the fighting is over, the braves resume the games. The final test for the contest winner, Grey Owl, is to move the giant boulder. Legend states the man who can move the boulder is the greatest of all the braves. Grey Owl can't move it as Pow-Wow done. Pow-Wow does not tell his tribe that he moved the boulder, so they do not know that he is the legendary brave.
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