Batman Archives Vol. 7 HC
Batman Archives Vol. 7 HC
Cover Credits
Artist: Jim Mooney

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Title: "The Goblin of Gotham City"
Pages: 12

Batman (of Earth-2)

Penciller: Bob Kane
Inker: Charles Paris

Reprinted From:
Detective Comics #152 (1949)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • The Goblin (Martin Tate; no further appearances)
  • Various criminals (in flashback; no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • Joe Baily and Edwin Cole (no further appearances)

Cameo Appearance(s)

Vicki Vale gathers together three men that Batman helped on previous cases. The men Joe Baily, Martin Tate, and Edwin Cole are photographed, but someone smashes the camera and destroys the film. Batman realizes that one of the men is the Goblin, a crook that has committed several recent crimes. The photograph would have provided proof of the Goblin's identity.

As Batman tries to discover additional clues to prove his suspicion about the Goblin's true identity, the crook returns. Batman is wounded in the head and Vicki is kidnapped. Robin then finishes the investigation and is led to Martin Tate. He too is captured, leaving the injured Batman to find Tate and rescue his friends.

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