Detective Comics #240
Title: "The Hero Maker"
Pages: 6
Martian Manhunter (of Earth-1)
Artist: Joe Certa
Reprinted In:
Showcase Presents:Martian Manhunter Vol. 1 TPB (2007)
Feature Character(s)
- The Storage House Thieves and a gang of safe crackers (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Officer Pat Brady and Karney (police officers; no further appearances)
J’onn's last name is misspelled J'onz in this story.
On the last day before his retirement, forty year police vetern Pat Brady laments that he never cracked a big case. To allow his fellow officer to retire as a hero, detective John Jones secretly uses his powers allowing Officer Brady to capture a gang of thieves.
John later spots another opportunity to make a hero out of Brady. This time however he is rendered unconscious by fire. When he recovers he believes the crooks have injured Brady. He is pleasantly surprised to find that Brady handled the crooks on his own and retires a hero.
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