Detective Comics #267
Title: "John Jones' Farewell to Earth"
Pages: 7
Martian Manhunter (of Earth-1)
Artist: Joe Certa
Reprinted In:
World's Finest Comics #184 (1969)
Showcase Presents:Martian Manhunter Vol. 1 TPB (2007)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- S’Vor (a jovian criminal; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- A group of Jovian security officers (no further appearances)
J’onn discovers a Jovian spacecraft in the park. The jovians explain that they are searching for a criminal from their planet, but cannot leave the ship into the rain due to their weakness to water. J’onn agrees to help capture the crook in exchange for transport to Mars.
J’onn tracks down S’Vor, the alien criminal and defeats him with water. He returns him to the security officers and prepares to leave Earth. However, the crook has left behind several bombs. J’onn decides to stay behind and defuse the bombs. The aliens are forced to leave without him.
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