Title: "Lois Lane, the Super-Maid of Krypton"
Pages: 26
Superman (of Earth-1)
Writer: Edmond Hamilton
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: George Klein
Reprinted From:
Superman #159 (1963)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Brainiac (imaginary appearance)
- Dr. Lu Thoria (imaginary appearance)
Guest Appearance(s)
- Jor-El (imaginary appearance)
- Lara (imaginary appearance)
- Sam Lane (imaginary appearance)
- Ella Lane (imaginary appearance)
Other Character(s)
- Khal Kan and Maural (imaginary appearance)
- Len Landor, Professor Rorr-ak, and an orderly (imaginary appearance)
Chap. 1: "Lois Lane’s Flight from Earth"
Chap. 2: "The Female Luthor of Krypton"
Chap. 3: "The Doom of Super-Maid"
This story is an imaginary story. The events depicted are not part of regular continuity.
Lois Lane is sent to Krypton when Earth is destroyed. She is adopted by by Khal Kan and Maural, Kryptonian zoo-keepers. Before being sent to Earth, little Lois was exposed to a power ray which gives her super-powers on Krypton. When she grows to adulthood, she becomes Supermaid.
Kal-El falls in love with her as does Len Landor. Also a female doctor, Lu Thoria, becomes evil and tries to kill Supermaid using Earthite fragments. Supermaid defeats Lu Thoria and is able to cure her. Later, a chunk of Purple Earthite transfers Supermaid’s power to Kal-El permanently, leaving her powerless.