Detective Comics #314
Title: "J'onn J'onzz Vs. John Jones"
Pages: 12
Martian Manhunter (of Earth-1)
Artist: Joe Certa
Reprinted In:
Showcase Presents:Martian Manhunter Vol. 2 TPB (2009)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- An unnamed Saturnian criminal (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Two lawmen from Saturn (no further appearances)
- Watkins (a police officer; no further appearances)
- Arne and his wife (an old couple; no further appearances)
A criminal from Saturn hides out on Earth and assumes the identity of detective John Jones, while first knocking out the real detective. When lawmen from Saturn arrive on Earth, the phony detective Jones lures them into a trap.
Zook has realized that the real detective Jones has been injured and finds him. John has amnesia, but Zook helps him regain his memory. He then battles the Saturnian criminal as the Martian Manhunter and turns him over to the visiting lawmen.
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