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Comic Title: Showcase Presents:World's Finest Vol. 2 TPB
Publisher: DC
Cover Date: 2008
On Sale Date:
October 22, 2008 Direct Market Date October 15, 2008
Source: Previews, #238
Direct Market Date October 22, 2008
Source: ComicList, New Comic Book Releases List for Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Cover Price: $16.99
Page Count: 520
Editor: Sean Mackiewicz
See Also: The Guide to Graphic Novels and Collected Editions
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Title: "Joker-Luthor, Incorporated"
Pages: 13
Superman (of Earth-1)
Batman (of Earth-1)
Writer: France E. Herron
Penciller: Jim Mooney
Inker: Sheldon Moldoff
Reprinted From:
World's Finest Comics #129 (1962)
Feature Character(s)
- Superman (last appearance in Action Comics #294; next appearance in Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #37)
- Batman (last appearance in Detective Comics #309; next appearance in Batman #152)
Supporting Character(s)
- Robin (last appearance in Detective Comics #309; next appearance in Batman #152)
- Lois Lane (last appearance in Superman #157; next appearance in Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #37)
- Joker (last appearance in Justice League of America #14; next appearance in Batman #152)
- Lex Luthor (last appearance in Action Comics #294; next appearance in Action Comics #295)
- Three unnamed henchmen (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Hilton Webb (Master of Ceremonies for an outdoor exhibition; no further appearances)
This story must take place following the first story of Action Comics #294 in which Lex returns to Earth.
Joker takes up operation in Metropolis bringing him to the attention of Superman. When the Harlequin of Hate makes an appearance at an outdoor exhibition, the Man of Steel is there to stop him. Joker, however, is now teamed with Luthor. Lex uses an atomic disperser to transform Superman into an electronic stream. Batman and Robin arrive too, but the crooks escape.
The Joker-Luthor team strikes again at a flower exhibition. Again, Superman is transformed and Batman is unable to defeat the villains. When the crooks strike a third time at a gem expo, Superman has figured out their plan. Luthor has disguised himself as the Master of Ceremonies in order to steal the gems. Superman deduced that the previous robberies were designed to photograph the MC, so Luthor could impersonate him. With the plan exposed, the villains are caught and the robbery prevented.
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