Batman #193
Title: "The Armored Batman"
Pages: 8
Batman (of Earth-1)
Writer: Edmond Hamilton
Penciller: Sheldon Moldoff
Inker: Stan Kaye
Reprinted From:
Batman #111 (1957)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- John Marrow (a wanted felon; no further appearances)
- Some unnamed thieves (no further appearances)
A man named Blair Graeme makes several threats against Batman. When the Caped Crusader learns of the threats, he and Robin show up in armored suits without explanation. Vicki Vale tries to discover why Batman fears Graeme so much. Eventually, Batman and Robin track down some crooks who have stolen some radioactive material. The armored suits disguised protective radiation suits. After the crooks are defeated, Vicki figures out that Batman was really Graeme and used the threats as a cover for the radiation suits.
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