World's Finest Comics #228
Title: "The Menace of the Land-Sea Beasts"
Pages: 12
Aquaman (of Earth-1)
Writer: Bob Haney
Artist: Nicholas Peter Cardy
Reprinted From:
Aquaman #12 (1963)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Kirk (a lab assistant; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Dr. Cyrus Beard (an evolutionary scientist; no further appearances)
- The crews of two cargo ships (no further appearances)
Using a device which changes animals on an evolutionary scale, Kirk, the lab assistant of Dr. Cyrus Beard, stages several raids on cargo vessels. Aquaman is unable to prevent the ships from sinking, but he does locate Kirk in a diving bell. The Sea King then gets the creatures to attack the bell, forcing Kirk to retreat. Aquaman is able to retrieve the device and change the animals back to normal.
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