Star Spangled Comics #49
Star Spangled Comics #49
Cover Credits
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: Steve Brodie

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Title: "Scoundrel on the Sidelines"
Pages: 6

Robotman (of Earth-2)

Writer: Joe Samachson
Artist: Jimmy Thompson

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Skyscrapper Sam (a flagpole sitter; no further appearances)
  • A gang of crooks (Knuckles named; no further appearances)

A series of robberies in which the crooks had advanced knowledge of police movements has Robotman puzzled. He decides to patrol himself and stumbles upon a crime. Robotman and Robbie break up the robbery, then learn that Skyscraper Sam is tipping off the gang from the top of a flagpole. The crooks briefly knock Robotman out, but he recovers. Robotman then apprehends the crooks and Sam.

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