Star Spangled Comics #90
Star Spangled Comics #90
Cover Credits
Penciller: Jim Mooney
Inker: J. Winslow Mortimer

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Title: "The Mystery of Rancho Fear"
Pages: 10

Robin (of Earth-2)

Penciller: Jim Mooney
Inker: J. Winslow Mortimer

Reprinted In:
Robin Archives Vol. 2 HC (2010)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Little John Johnson and his gang (Beansy, Jeff, and Slim named; no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • Dr. Lapointe (a geologist; dies in this story; no further appearances)

Batman and Robin investigate the murder of geologist Dr. Lapointe at a train terminal. Lapointe was carrying a seemingly empty cylinder when he arrives, and Batman suspects that he was murdered for its contents. Batman and Robin then head west to find what the geologist was researching.

Batman and Robin arrive at Rancho Fear and go undercover. Batman earns a job working for Little John Johnson, the man suspected of killing Lapointe. Batman then follows Little John and his men at night to learn that they have been exploiting a gas deposit discovered by Lapointe. Batman is caught by the crooks, but Robin rescues him and captures the gang.

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