All American Men of War #67
All American Men of War #67
Cover Credits
Artist: Jerry Grandenetti

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Title: "Cover Man"
Pages: 13

Gunner and Sarge (of Earth-1)

Writer: Robert Kanigher
Penciller: Ross Andru
Inker: Michael Esposito

Feature Character(s)


  • Various enemy soldiers (no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • Several marines (no further appearances)

Gunner is a man with a gun. He serves as the cover man for a platoon of marines in the Pacific theater of World War II. When facing enemy fire, Gunner is ordered to lay down covering fire as other marines rush the enemy. However, when the other marines are gunned down one-by-one, Gunner leaves his position and charges the enemy. He succeeds in killing them.

Gunner's sergeant, nicknamed Sarge, chastises Gunner for not doing as he was ordered. Gunner explains that he worries about the other men. When another attack comes, Sarge demands that Gunner only provide cover as he rushes the enemy. When Sarge goes down, Gunner charges ahead. He lays on top of Sarge and takes out an enemy machine gun and mortar. Sarge is still alive, and he is still upset that Gunner left his position. Gunner explains that he was covering Sarge with his body.

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