Strange Adventures #128
Title: "The Case of the Robot Detective"
Pages: 8
Star Hawkins
Writer: John Broome
Penciller: Mike Sekowsky
Inker: Bernard Sachs
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Three jewel thieves (Ropey and Twister named; no further appearances)
- The Metal Men of Andromeda (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Monty and his unnamed mother (no further appearances)
- The manager of the Tip-Top Department Store (no further appearances)
Star Hawkins is a hero after he brings down the Metal Men of Andromeda, a gang of crooks. He receives several requests for his services, but injuries sustained while battling the crooks prevent him from accepting cases. When a wealthy woman offers a large sum of credits to find her son's missing toy, Star sends Ilda in his place. Ilda traces the rocket to a nearby building, where crooks recognize her. They attempt to destroy the robot, but Ilda prevails. she takes the crooks to police and explains that the crooks hid a stolen diamond in the toy rocket. Ilda recovers both the rocket and the jewel, solving two cases at the same time.
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