Green Arrow:The Longbow Hunters #3
Green Arrow:The Longbow Hunters #3
Cover Credits
Artist: Mike Grell

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Title: "Tracking Snow"
Pages: 46

Green Arrow (Post-Crisis)

Writer/Artist: Mike Grell
Letterer: Kenneth Bruzenak
Colorist: Julia Lacquement

Reprinted In:
Green Arrow:The Longbow Hunters TPB (1989)
Green Arrow:The Longbow Hunters Saga Omnibus Vol. 1 HC (2020)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


Other Character(s)

  • An unnamed doctor and a tattoo artist (no further appearances)
  • Horiyoshi (in flashback; a tattoo artist; no further appearances)
  • Shado's archery instructor (in flashback; last appearance in Green Arrow:The Longbow Hunters #2; next appearance in Green Arrow #9)
  • Tomonaga (Shado's father; in flashback; no further appearances)

Cameo Appearance(s)

  • Jankowski (in Green Arrow's nightmare)

This story is continued from Green Arrow:The Longbow Hunters #2.

Green Arrow takes Dinah to the hospital, then he renews his efforts to locate Shado. He discovers that her dragon tattoo links her to the yakuza. He then receives a message which leads him to Mount Rainer.

Green Arrow meets Shado on the mountain where a drug smuggling operation is underway. Shado wants the leader of the smugglers Magnor, because he and several military associates murdered her father and stole yakuza money. Green Arrow and Shado then take on the smugglers together.

After the fight, Green Arrow meets Magnor's partner Osborne who works with the CIA. Osborne was using Magnor's smuggling operation to transport money into the hands of the contras. However, Green Arrow is left with no evidence to prove anything. Osborne does leave Ollie with a bag full of money.

Magnor has escaped and returned to his office. Green Arrow confronts him and learns about how he crossed the yakuza. Shado then kills Magnor.

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