Manhunter #5
Manhunter #5
Cover Credits
Artist: Doug Rice

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Title: "Interface"
Pages: 22

Manhunter (Post-Crisis)

Writer: Kim Yale
Penciller: Mary Mitchell
Inker: Romeo Tanghal
Letterer: John Costanza
Colorist: Julianna Ferriter

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Ashley Mavis Powell (aka Paula Darrow; first appearance; next appearance in Manhunter #10)
  • A jewel thief (no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • Preston (a detective; no further appearances)

Mark Shaw invites Sylvia Kandrey, a police officer from the records department, to dinner. He wants to get information on Ashley Mavis Powell, a wanted child molester. After Manhunter helps Sylvia stop a jewel thief, she agrees to help him.

When Sylvia checks the computer records, she is interrupted by Paula Darrow, another computer analyst. After the interruption, the file is gone. Sylvia makes the connection to Paula and reports to Mark. Manhunter checks Paula's apartment and deduces that Paula is Ashley. He then rescues Sylvia, who Paula was targeting for discovering her secret.

After Ashley/Paula is taken into custody, Sylvia is suspended. She realizes that she should not have gotten involved with Mark or let things get personal with him.

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