Vigilante #44
Vigilante #44
Cover Credits
Artist: Tod Smith

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Title: "Addictions"
Pages: 27

Vigilante (Adrian Chase Post-Crisis)

Writer: Paul Kupperberg
Penciller: Dave Cockrum
Inker: Rick Burchett
Letterer: Albert Tobias De Guzman
Colorist: Liz Berube

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Ali and Hassim (last appearance in Vigilante #43; no further appearances)
  • Several Quracan drug dealers (no further appearances)

Guest Appearance(s)

Other Character(s)

  • Philip Kramer (last appearance in Vigilante #42; next appearance in Vigilante #46)
  • Various Federal agents (Hamilton named; no further appearances)
  • Bobby Whitlock (dies in this story; last appearance in Vigilante #43; no further appearances)
  • Jerry (dies in this story; last appearance in Vigilante #43; no further appearances)
  • Pam and Nancy (friends of Bobby; Nancy on telephone only; no further appearances)
  • Walter Whitlock (a senator; no further appearances)
  • A substance abuse counselor (no further appearances)

Vigilante helps federal agents raid a crack house. A gun battle ensues. After the fight Vigilante is asked to track down the source of the drugs. The agents believe that Qurac is supplying the drugs for profit and to blackmail govenment officials.

Bobby Whitlock, a drug addict and son of Senator Walter Whitlock, is kidnapped by the Quracis. Vigilante follows the drugs to the Quracan embassy where Bobby is being held. He enters the embassy at the same time an alcoholic named Jerry is staging an attack of his own. Vigilante finds Bobby, then tosses a grenade into the furnace. The embassy explodes killing everyone inside.

Vigilante is able to get out in time with Bobby. However, despite surviving the blast, Bobby dies anyway from a crack induced heart attack.

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