Showcase Presents:Challengers of the Unknown Vol. 2 TPB
Showcase Presents:Challengers of the Unknown Vol. 2 TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Bob Brown

<< Comic List  
Challengers of the Unknown: "The Menace of Mystery Island"
Challengers of the Unknown: "The Doomed World of Tomorrow"
Challengers of the Unknown: "The Alien Who Stole a Planet"
Challengers of the Unknown: "The Beasts from the Fabulous Gem"
Challengers of the Unknown: "Multi-Man Strikes Again"
Challengers of the Unknown: "The Cosmic-Powered Creature"
Challengers of the Unknown: "The Weird World That Didn't Exist"
Challengers of the Unknown: "The Challengers' Space-Pet Ally"
Challengers of the Unknown: "The Curse of the Golden God"
Challengers of the Unknown: "The Thing in Challenger Mountain"
Challengers of the Unknown: "Death Guarded the Doom Box"
Challengers of the Unknown: "The Island in the Sky"
Challengers of the Unknown: "The Challengers Die at Dawn"
Challengers of the Unknown: "Multi-Man, Master of Earth"
Challengers of the Unknown: "Return of the Invincible Pharaoh"
Challengers of the Unknown: "Captives of the Alien Hunter"
Challengers of the Unknown: "Death Crowns the Challenger King"
Challengers of the Unknown: "The Secret of the Space Spectaculars"
Challengers of the Unknown: "The 1,001 Impossible Inventions"
Challengers of the Unknown: "Master of the Volcano Men"
Challengers of the Unknown: "The Revolt of the Terrible FX-1"
Challengers of the Unknown: "The Riddle of the Faceless Man"
Challengers of the Unknown: "Four Roads to Doomsday"
Challengers of the Unknown: "The War Between the Challenger Teams"
Challengers of the Unknown: "Multi-Man... Villain Turned Hero"
Challengers of the Unknown: "The Fifth Challenger"
Challengers of the Unknown: "The Man Who Saved the Challenger's Lives"
Challengers of the Unknown: "One Challenger Must Die"
Challengers of the Unknown: "Cosmo Turns Traitor"
Challengers of the Unknown: "The Challengers Meet Their Master"
Challengers of the Unknown: "The Threat of the Trojan Robot"
Challengers of the Unknown: "Beachhead, U.S.A."
Challengers of the Unknown: "Multi-Woman, Queen of Disaster"
Challengers of the Unknown: "The War Against the Moon Beast"
Challengers of the Unknown: "Sons of the Challengers"
Challengers of the Unknown: "The Giant in Challenger Mountain"
Challengers of the Unknown: "Bodyguards to a Star"
Challengers of the Unknown: "The Triple Terror of Mr. Dimension"
Challengers of the Unknown: "The Last Days of the Challengers"

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