Detective Comics #360
Title: "The Case of the Abbreviated Batman"
Pages: 14
Batman (of Earth-1)
Penciller: Sheldon Moldoff
Inker: Joe Giella
Reprinted In:
Showcase Presents:Batman Vol. 3 TPB (2008)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Gunshy Barton and his gang (Benny and Slugs named; no further appearances)
Batman captures Gunshy Barton and his gang and sends them to prison. Gunshy spends his sentence reading books and creating a new shorthand language. When paroled, Gunshy teaches his gang the code, so they can operate without Batman knowing their next move.
Gunshy and his gang begin their robbery spree. They are successful at first and eventually encounter Batman. Gunshy shouts coded orders to his gang. Batman is unable to decipher the orders and loses the fight. He and Robin are captured and left to suffocate.
The Dynamic Duo manages to escape and battle Barton again. This time they use sirens on their utility belts to create noise during the fight. Gunshy is unable to communicate his orders by voice, so he tries to give them visually. Batman outwits him, and the gang is captured again.
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