Detective Comics #361
Detective Comics #361
Cover Credits
Penciller: Carmine Infantino
Inker: Joe Giella

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Title: "The Dynamic Duo's Double-Deathtrap"
Pages: 14

Batman (of Earth-1)

Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Penciller: Carmine Infantino
Inker: Sid Greene

Reprinted In:
Showcase Presents:Batman Vol. 3 TPB (2008)
Tales of the Batman:Carmine Infantino HC (2014)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Eivol Ekdal (dies in this story; last appearance in Detective Comics #346; no further appearances)
  • Yuri Melikov and his men (Igor and Alexei named; Melikov dies in this story; no further appearances)
  • A group of unnamed gangsters (no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • Thea Albrecht (a freedom fighter; no further appearances)

Trap designer Eivol Ekdal sells a new trap to gangsters to use against Batman and Robin. Robin is caught in the trap as planned, but instead of rescuing his partner Batman lets Robin escape on his own. Had Batman helped Robin, they would have both been killed by a bomb.

Batman deduces that Ekdal designed the trap. He the receives a tip concerning Ekdal's location. Batman arrives just as Ekdal is killed by another one of his clients, Yuri Melikov. Batman captures Melikov's gang, but the crook is killed by one of Ekdal's traps.

After the fight, the gangsters who tried to kill Batman and Robin return to Ekdal's hide-out. Batman defeats them as well and wraps up the case.

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