Tales of the Unexpected #82
Title: "The Beasts with Space Ranger's Brain"
Pages: 9
Space Ranger
Artist: Phil Kelsey
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
This is Space Ranger's final appearance in Tales of the Unexpected. The series continues in the second story of Mystery in Space #92.
Space Ranger is called to combat the Beast-Gang which uses alien beasts in their criminal activities. Somehow each beast also possesses abilities only found in other species. Space Ranger locates the gang, but he and his associates are captured.
When Space Ranger regains consciousness, he is locked inside a glass cage. His old foe Dr. Elektro is the leader of the Beast-Gang. Elektro uses his device to transfer Space Ranger's abilities into three alien beasts. He then allows Space Ranger to go free and be hunted.
Space Ranger is unable to avoid the first beast, but luckily an electric current restores one of his lost abilities, enabling him to defeat the beast. He uses similar tactics against the other two beasts, recovering all his abilities. Then he captures Elektro and the gang.
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