Adventure Comics #231
Adventure Comics #231
Cover Credits
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: Stan Kaye

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Title: "The Super-Feats of Superbaby"
Pages: 12

Superboy (of Earth-1)

Writer: Otto Binder
Artist: John Sikela

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)

Other Character(s)

  • Cal Bentley, Arthur Blake, James Wright, and Jed Lee (a park owner, an antique store owner, a novelty store owner, and a miser; no further appearances)

Flashback Appearance(s)

This story contains four flashbacks to Superboy's time as a baby.

Flashback 1: (page 4, panel 1 - page 5, panel 1) Superbaby at the beach.

Flashback 2: (page 7, panels 1-4 and page 10, panel 4) Superbaby encounters Kryptonite.

Flashback 3: (page 9, panels 2-5) Superbaby chases a kite and is seen flying.

Flashback 4: (page 10, panel 5 - page 11, panel 3) Superbaby uses his x-ray vision on dynamite.

All four flashbacks occur chronologically between the flashback in the first story of Superboy #51 and the flashback in the third story of Superboy #59.

Superboy begins performing unexpected favors for several men in Smallville. When the men ask him why he is helping them, Superboy won't tell them. His reason is that when he was a baby each of the men unknowingly protected the secret that young Clark Kent has super powers. Superboy is repaying them for their accidental acts which kept his secret. Superboy also thanks his parents Ma and Pa Kent.

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