Title: "Dial 'V' for Villain"
Pages: 17
Dial H for Hero (of Earth-1)
Writer: Dave Wood
Artist: Jim Mooney
Reprinted From:
House of Mystery #158 (1966)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Daffy Dagan and his gang (Smike named; no further appearances)
Robby Reed becomes Quake-Master and the Squid in this story.
Robby Reed learns of a robbery in nearby Granite City. He uses the H-dial to become Quake-Master and pursues the thieves. Robby manages to stop the crooks' car, but his powers are too strong. He accidentally knocks a tree on top of himself. Daffy Dagan, the gang leader, approaches the felled hero and takes the H-dial.
Daffy uses the dial, dialing V-I-L-L-A-I-N. He is transformed into a powerful creature, then leaves the scene with the H-dial. Robby is left behind, stuck in his Quake-Master form. Robby eventually frees himself from the downed tree, but finds his current powers useless against Daffy in his new super-villain form.
Instead of attacking Dagan directly, Robby works to steal back the H-dial. Once he gets the device, he undials Quake-Master. He then waits for the dial to repower and dials into a new hero. This time he becomes the Squid, a hero who can shoot various liquids from a special helmet. The Squid tricks Daffy into lowering his powerful force-field, then knocks him out. While Dagan is unconscious, Robby uses the dial to undial him back to normal then hands him over to police.