Adventure Comics #127
Title: "Super-Bellhop"
Pages: 10
Superboy (of Earth-1)
Writer: Bill Finger
Artist: George Roussos
Feature Character(s)
- Mike, Nick, and Joe (bandits; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- A hotel manager, a sick boy, Mrs. Venner, Rajah Jaha, Robert Hilton, and other hotel guests (no further appearances)
Clark substitutes for a sick friend as a bellhop at the Hotel Grandeur. The hotel's files are stolen, so Superboy offers to help the hotel manager accommodate the guests' wishes. The crooks want to use the file to extort the hotel, but with Superboy's help the hotel gets by without their records. The crooks then check into the hotel and attempt to rob the guests. Superboy stops them and recovers the files. The hotel then resumes normal operations.
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