Adventure Comics #130
Title: "Superboy – Super-Salesman"
Pages: 10
Superboy (of Earth-1)
Writer: Bill Finger
Penciller: George Roussos
Inker: Ed Dobrotka
Feature Character(s)
- Hugo Crowl (an equipment contractor; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Herbert Binns (a salesman; no further appearances)
- An amusement park owner (no further appearances)
- Peter (an eskimo; no further appearances)
Superboy prevents a tragedy, when the rides of a new amusement park prove faulty. Herbert Binns, the salesman who sold the park, reports the problems to his employer Hugo Crowl. Crowl doesn't care and intends to sell more faulty equipment. Binns promises to report his boss to the police if he does.
Crowl attempts to fire Binns by asking him to make impossible sales. Superboy helps Binns make several sales to keep his job. Crowl then orders Binns to sell him a million dollars of junk. Superboy then takes Crowl to the amusement park and forces him to ride the condemned rides. Crowl is so scared, he offers to buy the park back. Binns keeps his job, and the park owner gets his money back.
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