Adventure Comics #162
Title: "The Supercoach of Smallville High"
Pages: 12
Superboy (of Earth-1)
Writer: William Woolfolk
Artist: John Sikela
Feature Character(s)
- Two crooks (Fingers named; no further appearances)
- An unnamed bully (no further appearances)
- Harold Craggs (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Joe Fleming (a former sports star; no further appearances)
- Several student atheletes (Fred Somers and Hal named; no further appearances)
- Fields (principal of Heather Hall; no further appearances)
- Popkin and Evans (astronomers; no further appearances)
- Three martians (no further appearances)
- Roderick and Lucy (no further appearances)
- Dr. Waters (a former school principal; no further appearances)
- Mr. Dean (appears in flashback; a college recruiter; no further appearances)
Superboy saves the life of a suicidal man, Joe Fleming. Fleming is a former sports star whose career was cut short by injury. Superboy gets Fleming a job as coach of the Smallville High track team. However, Smallville's rival Heather Hall steals Smallville best athletes.
Superboy joins the team as an assistant coach. In short time his training enables the remaining boys to become an excellent team. At the track meet against Heather Hall, Smallville appears to win. However, Harold Craggs, owner of Heather Hall challenges the results. He substituted an illegal shotput used by the Smallville team, so they are disqualified.
Superboy then finds out that Craggs holds a grudge against Smallville. He believes that the former principal helped to deny him a scholarship. Superboy settles the matter, and Craggs learned that the loss of the scholarship was a misunderstanding. Craggs then admits he cheated, and Smallville wins the track meet.
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