Title: "Lana Lang's Big Crush"
Pages: 12
Superboy (of Earth-1)
Writer: William Woolfolk
Artist: John Sikela
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
Other Character(s)
- Ted Hawkins (a football star; no further appearances)
- Several high school girls (Mona, Jane, and Marian named; no further appearances)
- Several football players and Smallville's coach (no further appearances)
Lana is depicted as a blond in this story.
Superboy agrees to take Lana to Africa to meet her parents on their anniversary. Ted Hawkins, the Smallville football hero, asks Lana to the big dance on the same day. Lana agrees to go with him knowing that with Superboy's speed she can make both dates.
Ted then asks another girl, Mona, to the dance. Superboy tries to protect Lana from heartbreak and doesn't let her find out. Ted won't tell him why he is planning to stand up Lana, but he claims to have a good reason.
On the day of the dance, Lana meets her parents, then returns to Smallville where she waits for Ted. Superboy then learns that Ted found out about her trip to Africa. Since he didn't know that Superboy was taking her, Ted thought Lana was going to stand him up. Superboy solves the dilemma, allowing Ted to go to the dance with Lana and taking Mona himself.