Adventure Comics #174
Title: "The New Lana Lang"
Pages: 12
Superboy (of Earth-1)
Writer: Bill Finger
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: John Fischetti
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
Other Character(s)
- Several Smallville teenagers (Ann, Sylvia, Ted, Chet, Bob, and Mona Henderson named; no further appearances)
- Miss Fulton (no further appearances)
- Several beauty contest judges (no further appearances)
Lana Lang begins to develop a conceited attitude which annoys her friends. Superboy decides to teach Lana some humility. He claims to be interested in dating humble girls who take losing well. Lana enters contests with the goal of losing. Superboy secretly helps her win anyway, then he lets Lana discover his involvement. When she brags that she has outwitted Superboy, her actions prove that she hasn't changed.
Lana finally learns her lesson. She decides not to enter an upcoming beauty contest because of her own discouragement. Superboy arranges for her to enter anyway. Lana then wins on her own merits. This time Lana accepts her victory with humble grace.
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