Adventure Comics #190
Title: "The Terrible Truant"
Pages: 12
Superboy (of Earth-1)
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: Sy Barry
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Two unnamed thieves (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Jero (a truant from Xanadu; aka Jerome Smith; no further appearances)
- The Smallville city council (Hiram Scrabble named; no further appearances)
- Thern and Tor (a Xanadu councilman and a truant officer; no further appearances)
Jero, a teenage boy from Xanadu, comes to Earth to avoid school on his planet. He meets Superboy, but refuses to tell him where he is from. Jero takes the name Jerome Smith and lives with Clark Kent. He begins pulling pranks around town which annoy Superboy.
Tor, a truant officer from Xanadu has follows Jero to Earth. He mistakes Superboy for the missing teen and tries to take him back to Xanadu. Superboy escapes, then convinces Jero that his pranks are harmful. With the help of his parents, Superboy convinces Jero to turn himself in and return home because his parents miss him.
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