Title: "The Journey of the Second Superboy"
Pages: 12
Superboy (of Earth-1)
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: Sy Barry
Reprinted In:
80 Page Giant Magazine #10 (1965)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- A gang of bank robbers (no further appearances)
- The rulers of Titan (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Kral (no further appearances)
The Titanians shown in this story are the ancestors of Saturn Girl's people.
A rocket ship containing a boy from Titan lands on the Kent farm. The boy, named Kral, is welcomed into the Kent farm when he explains that he is an orphan. Kral is really an advance scout for a Titanian invasion force.
Seeking to learn about Earth's defenses, Kral becomes Superboy's partner. He uses his advanced powers to aid Superboy. Once he learns Superboy's weakness, he lures Superboy back to Titan where he intends to expose the Boy of Steel to Kryptonite.
When they arrive on Titan, Superboy demonstrates his powers to the leaders and claims that all Earthmen possess his powers. Kral nearly exposes Superboy's ruse, but he remembers the compassion showed by Earthmen and decides to truly help Superboy. The invasion is called off, then Kral and Superboy depart as friends.