Adventure Comics #268
Title: "The Green Arrow in King Arthur's Court"
Pages: 7
Green Arrow (of Earth-1)
Writer: Robert Bernstein
Artist: Lee Elias
Reprinted In:
Showcase Presents Green Arrow Vol. 1 TPB (2006)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Some unnamed crooks (no further appearances)
- Merlin (dream appearance)
- Sir Sagramor (dream appearance)
Other Character(s)
- King Arthur (dream appearance)
- Knights of the Round Table (dream appearance)
Green Arrow and Speedy trail some criminals into an old castle. They are knocked out by some sleeping gas along with the crooks. They suddenly find themselves in Camelot. The bowmen quickly prove themselves mighty knights with their trick arrows. They are opposed by Merlin and another knight, Sir Sagramor. The bowmen win King Arthur’s favor, but are knocked out by Merlin.
They awkaen in old castle in the correct time. The entire experience seems to have been a dream induced by the gas and a Mark Twain novel that Speedy had been reading.
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