Superboy #10
Title: "The Toughest School in the World"
Pages: 12
Superboy (of Earth-1)
Writer: Alvin Schwartz
Penciller: John Sikela
Inker: Ed Dobrotka
Feature Character(s)
- Burlington Smith (a con man; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Sandy, Red, and Blackie (Smallville students; no further appearances)
- Miss Grady (a teacher; no further appearances)
When con man Burlington Smith arrives in Smallville, Superboy exposes his frauds and chases him away. However, three Smallville students find Smith's paper and quit school to get rich. Instead of telling them that Smith's papers are fraudulent, Superboy lets the boys seek their treasures. He sets each of them up to find wealth, but arranges for them to lose it due to their own ignorance. The lesson proves to the boys that they should have stayed in school. They return to Smallville with an invigorated passion to learn.
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