Superboy #26
Superboy #26
Cover Credits
Artist: J. Winslow Mortimer

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Title: "The Super-Tot of Smallville"
Pages: 10

Superboy (of Earth-1)

Writer: Jerry Coleman
Artist: John Sikela

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Two unnamed burglars (no further appearances)
  • An unnamed criminal (in flashback; no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • Denton, Kennedy, and a police captain (in flashback; no further appearances)
  • Alvin (Lana Lang's kid brother; next appearance in Superboy #48)

Flashback Appearance(s)

This story contains three flashbacks to Superboy's time as a child between ages 3 and 5.

Flashback 1: (page 3, panel 4 - page 4, panel 7) Superbaby at the beach.

Flashback 2: (page 5, panel 3 - page 7, panel 1) Superbaby at the police station.

Flashback 3: (page 7, panel 4 - page 9, panel 2) Young Clark makes diamonds.

Flashbacks 1-2 occur chronologically between flashback 4 in the first story of Superboy #8 (page 7, panel 3 - page 12, panel 5) and flashback 1 in the second story of Superman #90 (page 3, panel 5 - page 4, panel 4).

Flashback 3 occurs chronologically between scene 6 in the third story of More Fun Comics #101 (page 4, panels 4-6) and scene 7 in the third story of More Fun Comics #101 (page 4, panel 7 - page 5, panel 4).

Superboy stops a robbery in his own home. He stops crooks from robbing Jonathan Kent's safe which contains a photo album of Clark's super-powered exploits as a toddler. While Jonathan shows his son the pictures, one of them blows out the window where it is found by Lana Lang. The picture shows baby Clark lifting a tree. To cover his secret, Superboy constructs a lightweight fake tree prop. He then gives it to Lana's kid brother. When she sees him carrying the tree, she assumes it was the same one Clark was lifting in the photo.

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