Showcase Presents:The Flash Vol. 4 TPB
Title: "The Swell-Headed Super-Hero"
Pages: 23
Flash (Barry Allen of Earth-1)
Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Penciller: Ross Andru
Inker: Michael Esposito
Reprinted From:
Flash #177 (1968)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Trickster (last appearance in Flash #152; next appearance in Flash #209)
- An unnamed killer (dies in this story; no further appearances)
- A gang of thieves (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Mister Mynah (Trickster's pet bird; no further appearances)
After solving a locked room mystery, Barry Allen becomes a braggart. Then, as the Flash, Barry's head really swells as a result of a new weapon created by the Trickster. Flash's giant head causes him headaches and is in danger of bursting. The Trickster tries to pop the head like a balloon during their fight, but the Flash just passes out.
Trickster brings Flash back to his hideout, then continues the fight when the Scarlet Speedster regains consciousness. The Trickster tried out his head swelling weapon on a pet bird before using it on the Flash. He also perfected a cure by exposing the bird to radiation. When Flash nears the bird, the residual radiation temporarily stops his headache. He is then able to overcome the Trickster. Flash then analyzes the bird and uses a larger dose of radiation to permanently cure his swell-headed condition.
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