Title: "Three Nights in the Fortress of Solitude"
Pages: 9
Lois Lane (of Earth-1)
Writer: Otto Binder
Artist: Kurt Schaffenberger
Reprinted In:
Superman #187 (1966)
Great Superman Comic Book Collection HC (1982)
Showcase Presents:Superman Family Vol. 3 TPB (2009)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
Lois Lane visits Superman’s Fortress of Solitude and intentionally exposes herself to special rays which make sunlight deadly to her. The effect lasts three days, so Lois must stay in the Fortress. While there she hopes to prove to Superman that it would make an ideal home for her as his wife.
However, the Fortress turns into a nightmare, as Lois is spanked by a Superman robot, chilled by an arctic cold wave, attacked by an alien pet, and tricked into believing that she has turned into a plant. Lois is now anxious to leave the Fortress, but not before she discovers Christmas presents Superman has for his friends.
Lois finds two boxes marked L.L. Both boxes contain autographed pictures of Superman, but one indicates the recipient knows or will know Superman’s secret identity. Lois is unsure which gift is intended for her and which is for Lana Lang. When Superman takes her back to Metropolis, he doesn’t tell Lois that the girl who knows his secret is Linda Lee, secretly Supergirl.