Cover Credits |
Penciller: Dick Sprang Inker: Stan Kaye Penciller: Jack Kirby Inker: Marvin Stein Inker: Roz Kirby Artist: Gil Kane Artist: Joe Certa Artist: Lee Elias Inker: Joe Giella Penciller: Carmine Infantino Inker: Joe Kubert Penciller: Ross Andru Inker: Michael Esposito |
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Comic Title: DC Universe:Secret Origins TPB
Publisher: DC
Cover Date: 2013
On Sale Date:
April 3, 2013 Direct Market Date April 3, 2013
Source: ComicList, New Comic Book Releases List for Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Direct Market Date April 3, 2013
Source: Previews, #292
Cover Price: $24.99
Page Count: 328
See Also: The Guide to Graphic Novels and Collected Editions
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Title: "The Origin of Green Lantern's Oath"
Pages: 10
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan of Earth-1)
Writer: John Broome
Penciller: Gil Kane
Inker: Murphy Anderson
Reprinted From:
Green Lantern #10 (1962)
Feature Character(s)
- Green Lantern (last appearance in Green Lantern #10; next appearance in Justice League of America #9)
Supporting Character(s)
- Carol Ferris (appears in flashback; earliest chronological appearance; next appearance in Showcase #22)
- Tom Kalmaku (last appearance in Green Lantern #10; next appearance in Green Lantern #11)
- Three sets of crooks (Hank named in this story; appear in flashback; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Various citizens of Coast City (appear in flashback; Mr. Burbank named; no further appearances)
- Mr. Davis (a Ferris mechanic; appears in flashback; no further appearances)
Flashback Appearance(s)
- Green Lantern (last appearance in Showcase #22; next appearance in Showcase #22)
The flashback portion of this story occurs between the first story of Showcase #22 and the second story of Showcase #22.
In the hangar at Ferris Aircraft, Green Lantern charges his ring. Pieface inquires where the oath came from. Green Lantern relates to Pieface the story of how he came up with his oath.
Shortly after receiving his ring from Abin Sur, Hal Jordan was at a bank when robbers struck. They used a flash bomb to blind everyone while they made their escape. Hal used the ring to act as a radar. He was thereby able to capture the crooks without his sight.
Later a group of train robbers hides in a dark cave. The cave is full of a dense fog which light cannot penetrate. Green Lantern follows the crooks into the cave and coats them with a glow which enables him to see them in the dark. He then captures the crooks.
The next day, the safe is stolen from the Ferris office. Green Lantern uses the ring to detect an Earth tremor caused when the crooks blow open the safe. He tracks them down and apprehends them.
These three adventures form the beginning of Green Lantern’s oath. "In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight."
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