Superboy #112
Title: "The Kids Who Stole Superboy's Powers"
Pages: 9
Superboy (of Earth-1)
Artist: George Papp
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Alduun, Dyen, Benka, and an unnamed deliquent alien youth (actually old men transformed by a youth serum; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Aquatic citizens of an alien world (no further appearances)
Superboy answers a distress call on an alien world. He is tricked by a young boy and has his powers siphoned off by the boy and three of his friends. The boys begin looting the planet using Superboy's powers. Superboy is able to exploit their greed and get them to turn on one another. In the process, the device used to give them powers is destroyed. Superboy regains his powers and captures the boys, who he discovers are really old men serving a life sentence on the planet.
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