Title: "The Amazing Adventures of Krypto Mouse"
Pages: 8
Superboy (of Earth-1)
Writer: Jerry Coleman
Artist: John Sikela
Reprinted From:
Superboy #65 (1958)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Louie the Rat and three hoods (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Fuzzy (a mouse; no further appearances)
- Tommy Ewell and his parents (no further appearances)
- Professor Egglehead (no further appearances)
This story is presented as #2 in a series of "Hall of Fame Classics".
A young boy’s mouse, Fuzzy, is exposed to an experiment being conducted by Professor Egglehead. The experiment causes Fuzzy to grow to human size and acquire super-powers.
The boy, Tommy, wants his mouse to emulate Superboy, so he gives Fuzzy a Superboy costume. The mouse then goes into Smallville and accomplishes some super deeds.
Superboy is confused when strange things happen around town. Her finally tracks the mouse down and realizes that at a distance people had mistaken the mouse from him.
The effects of the experiment wears off, returning Fuzzy to normal. Tommy finds a diamond under his bed, made when Fuzzy squeezed a lump of coal. His parents are happy and use it to pay for Tommy’s schooling.