Superman Annual #6
Superman Annual #6
Cover Credits
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: George Klein

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Title: "The First Supergirl"
Pages: 10

Superman (of Earth-1)

Writer: Otto Binder
Penciller: Dick Sprang
Inker: Stan Kaye

Reprinted From:
Superman #123 (1958)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Two unnamed crooks (no further appearances)
  • Kil-Lor (a Kryptonian criminal; dies in this story; no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • Jor-El (as a young adult; last appearance in Superman #233; next appearance in Superman #234)
  • Lara (as a young adult; last appearance in Superman #233; next appearance in Superman #234)
  • Super-Girl (a magically created being; no further appearances)
  • An archaeologist and several Kryptonians (no further appearances)

Chap. 2: "The Lost Super-Powers"
Chap. 3: "Superman’s Return to Krypton"

The Super-Girl in this story is a magically created being which is later removed from existance. She is completely unrelated to the later Supergirl who debuts in the third story of Action Comics #252.

This story was original entitled "The Girl of Steel." Only the first chapter (pages 1-10) of the original 3-part story are reprinted in this issue.

Jimmy receives a magically totem which grants three wishes to him. The first wish brings into existance a Super-Girl, who Jimmy wishes to be the perfect mate for Superman. Unfortunately, the female heroine gets in Superman’s way and becomes a nuisance. She realizes her existance is becoming a problem, so she sacrifices her life to make the Man of Steel happy.

Crooks steal the totem and use the second wish to remove Superman’s powers. Jimmy and Superman then spend the day faking his powers to convince the crooks that the spell failed. After being tricked, the crooks allow the spell to be removed, restoring Superman’s powers.

For the final wish, Jimmy wishes for Superman to meet his parents. However, he has decided to type the wish and a typo causes Superman to "Mate" his parents. As a result, Superman travels back to Krypton and meets young Jor-El and Lara. They are working as undercover agents with Kryptonian Intelligence. With Superman’s aid, they stop a criminal, Kil-Lor, and the Man of Steel plays cupid, setting up his own parents, before returning to Earth.

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