Superman Annual #6

Title: "The First Two Supermen"
Pages: 13
Superboy (of Earth-1)
Writer: Otto Binder
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: Ray Burnley
Reprinted From:
Adventure Comics #257 (1959)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- King Zarl (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
Superboy is visited by two legendary strongmen, Hercules and Samson. The ancient heroes believe Superboy possesses an elixir that gives him invulnerability. Superboy proves them wrong, but he agrees to travel back in time to assist them with a problem.
A greedy king, Zarl, has hired Samson and Hercules to guard a cave containing his treasure. They have instead returned the treasure to the people. The heroes claim a spirit has prevented them from entering the cave. Superboy likewise claims a spirit is protecting the treasure.
When Zarl grows suspicious he orders, all three into the cave. Inside is an invulnerable Avenger. The Avenger convinces Zarl that his treasure is forever lost to him. When Zarl leaves, the Avenger is revealed to be Krypto in disguise.
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