Superman #177
Title: "When Jimmy Olsen Stole Krypto from Superman"
Pages: 8
Superman (of Earth-1)
Writer: Jerry Siegel
Artist: George Papp
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
Other Character(s)
- The Super-Olsen Fan Club (dream appearance)
Jimmy Olsen and Krypto spend a night at the Fortress of Solitude. Krypto dreams that in the morning Superman discovers a device which permanently transfers his super powers to Jimmy. Jimmy replaces Superman as the Earth's mightiest hero, but Krypto stays loyal to his original master. Jimmy becomes jealous and tries to force Krypto to abandon Superman. Jimmy eventually transfers Krypto's powers to a donkey, leaving both Superman and his dog powerless. Krypto wakes from his nightmare, thankful that it was only a dream.
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