Superman #181
Title: "The Super-Scoops of Morna Vine"
Pages: 16
Superman (of Earth-1)
Writer: Leo Dorfman
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: George Klein
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
Other Character(s)
- Morna Vine and Mark Vine (a cub reporter and her uncle; no further appearances)
- Morna's father (no further appearances)
- Superman robot X-35 (destroyed in flashback; no further appearances)
- Dr. Dane, Professor Morgan, and Bud Gary (a history teacher, a science teacher, and a retired reporter; no further appearances)
Part 2: "The Secret of the New Supergirl"
Morna Vine, a new cub reporter, is hired by the Daily Planet. During her first assignments she scoops Jimmy, Lois, and Clark. The other reporters begin to suspect that Morna has super powers that enabled her to get inside information. Lois tests her uses Kryptonite, but Morna is unaffected. Superman finally deduces that Morna is using damaged parts from one of his Superman robots to give herself powers. He exposes her secret and takes the devices from her to prevent them from being misused. He then adjusts the other robots, so they can never be used that way again.
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