Justice League of America:The Silver Age Vol. 1 TPB
Justice League of America:The Silver Age Vol. 1 TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Michael Cho

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Title: "Challenge of the Weapons Master"
Pages: 26

Justice League of America (of Earth-1)

Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Penciller: Mike Sekowsky
Inker: Bernard Sachs
Inker: Joe Giella

Reprinted From:
Brave and the Bold #29 (1960)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Xotar (an arch-criminal of 11,960 A.D.; no further appearances)
  • Ilaric (Xotar's robot; also functions as a time machine; no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • The Intersolar Police (law officers of 11,960 A.D.; no further appearances)
  • General Morgan Anderson and Chief Warner Hunter (officials of a Florida missile base; no further appearances)

Arch-criminal Xotar of the year 11,960 A.D. has collected an arsenal of four super-weapons, one of which, a partly legible page of the JLA casebook informs him, will enable him to defeat the Justice League. Since the police of his era have counter-weapons to three of his devices, but he does not know which ones, he journeys back in time to battle the super-heroes, and learns which weapon is the unbeatable one.

Paralyzing the members in their Secret Sanctuary mountain headquarters, he releases them individually to fight against the various weapons: Flash overcomes the Microscopitor, which has shrunk him in size, Aquaman and J’onn J’onzz defeat the De-Evolutionizer Ray, and Green Lantern and Wonder Woman triumph over the Magneto-Bubble weapon. All five heroes are saved from the fourth device, an Illusion-Maker, which creates imaginary, undefeatable menaces, by the appearance of Superman, who had been located by Batman and Snapper, after his non-appearance at the team’s recent meeting.

Returned to his own time, Xotar discovers that the full text of the Casebook entry chronicles his defeat, instead of his victory.

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