Adventure Comics #384
Title: "The Heroine Haters"
Pages: 13
Supergirl (of Earth-1)
Writer: Cary Bates
Penciller: J. Winslow Mortimer
Inker: Jack Abel
Feature Character(s)
Guest Star(s)
- A gang of thieves (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Volar (aka Ren Uoxon; hero of Torma; no further appearances)
- Danon and Mara (Volar's parents; no further appearances)
- The Visitor (in flashback; a philosopher; no further appearances)
- Becky (Linda's roommate; next appearance in Adventure Comics #385)
- Janice Butler (last name not given in this story; Linda's roomate; next appearance in Adventure Comics #391)
Unable to find a boy on Earth that can be her equal, Supergirl uses the super-computer in Superman's Fortress to locate a boyfriend in space. The compute choose Volar, the hero of Torma. Superman warns his cousin that she will not find happiness there, but the Girl of Steel tries anyway.
Supergirl flies to Torma and meets Volar. He is a powerful hero, and she is smitten. However, she is not well received by the peopler of Torma. They consider females to be inferior. Supergirl is then told to leave the planet by Volar, but the Girl of Steel has already witnessed a situation that leads her to believe that Volar is not really angry with her.
Eventually Supergirl learns that Volar is actually another girl, who has disguised herself as a boy. However, the supply of a rare chemical that allows her to maintain her secret runs out. Inspired by Supergirl, Volar chooses to continue as a hero despite the prejudices of her people.
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