DC Special Series #23
DC Special Series #23
Cover Credits
Penciller: Ross Andru
Inker: Dick Giordano

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Title: "The Has-Been Superman"
Pages: 15

Superman (of Earth-1)
Batman (of Earth-1)

Writer: Cary Bates
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: Jack Abel

Reprinted From:
World's Finest Comics #178 (1968)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)

  • Robin (imaginary appearance)
  • Harriet Cooper (imaginary appearance)


  • Mr. Socrates and his gang (imaginary appearance)
  • The Leaper (imaginary appearance)

Guest Appearance(s)

Other Character(s)

  • Two unnamed doctors (imaginary appearance)

Part II:"Exit Superman – Enter Nova"

This is an imaginary story. The events depicted are not part of regular continuity.

Superman assumes the new costumed identity as Nova in this story.

This story continues in the first story of World's Finest Comics #180.

Superman investigates a rip in space in which several probes have disappeared. He travels through the rift to another dimension and finds the missing probes inside a giant guard mechanism. He returns to Earth, but alien antiseptic from inside the machine permanently causes him to lose his powers.

Superman soon becomes bored since he has to give up his crime-fighting career. He decides to carry on without powers just like Batman and Green Arrow. He creates a new costume with a gimmicked cape and becomes Nova.

Batman receives an alert about a prowler on a movie studio lot. When he investigates he finds that the suspect is actually Superman engaging in training exercises. Batman wishes Superman luck, but doubts that he will succeed in his new crime-fighting identity. The former Man of Steel soon runs into his first gang of criminals and as Batman feared, he loses the fight and is captured.

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